Thursday, November 15, 2007

Suzumiya Haruhi no Chourantou

Suzumiya Haruhi no Chourantou is a 3D free-for-all doujin fighting game by Souvenir Circle that plays like
Powerstone for the Dreamcast or a 3-Dimensional Super-Smash-Bros. It features the characters from
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, specifically, the SOS Dan characters plus Asakura Ryouko and Tsuruya
as the unlockable character.

The game features an Arcade mode, Network Mode, Free Play Mode and the obligatory Story Mode. Arcade mode is
pretty much self-explanatory, you can select which character you wish to play as. The Story Mode,
like in most japanese doujin games, is told in linear visual novel style, with no branching
paths, using half-body portraits of the characters, which is followed by a fight pitting Kyon(the
only playable character in story mode) and one or two AI controlled characters against two or
more members of the SOS Dan. The story is in Japanese, but knowledge of the language isn't
necessary to enjoy the game. Free Play allows you to choose which characters to have on your side, which ones to fight and where to fight. A total of six characters can fight simultaneously. I have yet to try the network mode.

The character graphics and backgrounds in the actual game are fully 3D. The characters are in chibi-form equipped with their own unique weapon (Haruhi with a fan, Mikuru with a broom, Kyon with a schoolbag ... Asakura with her favorite knife) that they use to knock the stuffing out of enemy characters. The character select screen is also a nice touch; featuring the Haruhi characters inside the literature club room just the way you'd expect from the Light Novels and anime. Over-all, the graphics are excellent, and the 3D animation is on par with commercial PS2 titles.

You have free-roaming
control of your character using the keyboard directional keys and the following buttons (ZXCV is
standard for Japanese games) Z = Attack, X = Jump(hold) or Dash(tap), C = guard, V = Special
Attack. Each character controls the same way, but their unique melee attacks and specials requires a different fighting style for each character. You can also interact with objects that randomly materialize in the background. You can pick up a hammer that stuns your opponents, a loudspeaker, and the coveted glowing sphere that transforms your character into a super-powered version of themselves for a limited time (bunny-girl Haruhi, waitress Mikuru, Itsuki... in an outfit that looks very gay indeed :P). Using melee attacks also increases your SOS meter for performing special attacks and each character has a high-damage area-of-effect super(Z+V) that can be used when the SOS meter is over 50%(not sure if this is accurate). Jumping also changes the special moves for some characters.

The gameplay is a love-it or hate-it thing. While it's fun for a Haruhi fanboy like myself to play as the SOS Dan characters, there are some issues with this game that might bring it down a few points for casual gamers. My number one issue is with the controls. It might be because my system is kinda dated, but most likely, it's in the game's coding. There is a bit of a time-lag from the moment you press a certain command until the character actually performs it on-screen. This makes targeting your enemies a chore because you'd need to estimate where a certain enemy sprite will be, and start hitting the attack button before the enemy actually gets to that spot. This kind of guesswork is kinda risky because if you miss and someone else hits you from behind, you take more damage than usual. However, since doujin games are constantly updated, this issue might be fixed in an update patch. Secondly, because the interactivity with the background is quite limited, there's very little variety in the gameplay. Also, the final stage in story mode is isanely difficult, pitting you and Tsuruya against all the SOS Dan members including the brigade chief, Haruhi. If anyone has any tips on beating that stage, please tell me.

The music is fine for this type of game, using only one looping track as the battle BGM.

Generally, this game is a must-have for all Haruhi fans, but if you are, you don't need me to tell you that. For anyone just looking for a fun little 3D fighter/beat-em-up for the PC, you might consider this game if you're not into more in-depth 3D fighters such as Fatal/Fake, Fate Axis, Line-Kill Spirits or Hinokakera.

Souvenir Circle Homepage

This is a bit unrelated... but I do Haruhi fanart too. Here's my Haru-nyan!


Anonymous said...

I defeated the last stage. The best way to defeat them? Run around in circles and let the entities hit them with lasers or let them open "gimmick chests" which gives them damage.

There's a new one... Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekitou (which features Konata and Akira) and more stages and missions.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call it insanely hard...
I recommend using a baseball bat and go hit and run. Charge up ur meter 'till it gets to 100% and punch as many people as possible...

Baseball bats and spiked clubs are rlly strong though they're kinda slow...
Theres a trick to using the slower weapons...
You use a dash and as you're slowing down, press the attack button and your attack should hit just as you finish your dash...
Just make sure you're a fair distance away from the opponent.

The last level (I think its last lvl) of arcade mode is 1v5 @_@

Also, I think something should be included...

I think each character has a unique ability or something... maybe...
Mikuru can double jump
Itsuki can attack 3 times
Yuki can dash like 3-4 times rlly fast
Asakura can dash in the air..

Thats all I've noticed but maybe Kyon, Haruhi and Tsuruya have special abilities too...

Anonymous said...

Use the megaphone then hit and run, try to support Tsuraya within distance, dash and let those alien blabla to hit them, use also the boxes those gimmick boxes to poof at them

ElleCX said...

Thanks anons. I'll try out all your strategies.